Some lucky people today enjoy extreme non-material wealth, well beyond what is available within mainstream culture. We'll give some examples of what is available. We can use these statements as clues to create our own vision of non-material wealth where these don't do it for us. We might also pay particular attention to where our mind rebels from imagining ourselves having some of these things.
All of the things mentioned here and much more are available to any person regardless of their social position, history or other individual characteristics. They are generally not available without training and support. Finding the training and support which would allow us to have great non-material wealth is the great challenge. The rest of the website contains more clues that may be helpful.
We are completely comfortable with our body, clothed or unclothed. We accept its design, we have awe and wonder at its myriad sensitivities and functions. We experience great pleasure from it. We share it with our intimate friends. We are similarly comfortable with and appreciative of others' bodies.
We are completely comfortable with being a sexual being. We are comfortable with any and all of our sexual preferences without being limited by them. Our sexuality gives us unlimited ecstasy with ourselves and with others. Our sexuality is one of our accesses to a vast natural spirituality.
We accept and appreciate all of our emotions. We can express our emotions to others in ways that allow those others to fully understand and empathize. We accept and appreciate all other aspects of our mind, "rational" or "irrational." With no shame or embarrassment over any of our limitations or "irrational" tendencies, we are able to grow emotionally and intellectually without limit.
We have over a hundred friends whom we love and know deeply and intimately. They love and know us similarly. They and we share great joy. We empower one another's growth and development. We experience our friends as wealth beyond the imaginings of people who merely pursue the wealth of money and status.
Our sexuality is untainted by any feelings of jealousy. We have unlimited extraordinary sexual connection with many dear friends. We share ecstasy with others as a divine gift and love to know that our dearest partners are able to experience such ecstasy whether or not we are with them.
We have deep partnerships with many of our friends, going deeper than is typical in most good marriages or lifelong friendships. Total honesty and transparency allow us to operate together in love as we raise extraordinary children, create great works of art and fulfil many other life goals.
Our understanding of all aspects of life is immense. We are always learning and love to learn. Our ability to learn is always increasing. A great many things interest us -- in fact, we are developing new interests ongoingly. Nothing that interests us is beyond our ability to learn or to meaningfully participate with.
As we learn more and more, we become aware of new areas of the Universe. What we don't know increases faster than what we know and our appreciation of the wonder and mystery of the Universe and of Being are always expanding.
We have accomplished great projects of which we are immensely proud and which are well appreciated by others. Our productivity in accomplishing great results is very great and increases over time as part of our ongoing growth and development. What we accomplish, individually and in parthership enriches our community. The other members of our community are similarly productive and we are in continual awe and wonder at the accomplishments of our community and of how they enrich our life.
We experience ourselves as the inventor of all of the meaning in our life. Our life is an ongoing work of art and we are its master creator. We perceive fear as a mechanism which brings us to full attention and it is then transformed into the next appropriate emotion. Life is free from suffering. We never do anything out of a pursuit of status or attempt to belong - we already have a permanent high status and we inherently belong.
Our ability to be present to ourselves, with others and with the world increases with our growth. Our great knowledge and sophistication is loosely held and can easily be put into the background. Clarity, intuition, curiosity and wonder give us joy, lightness of being and power.